Saturday, August 11, 2012


It's Importance to The Young and Old

         Work is a vital component to human happiness. Very much the same as eating, drinking, and shelter. It is unique to the human experience. Work, in its most fundamental form, represents a purpose. Purpose is a key to happiness. Society has built huge temples, cathedrals, and museums to try and discover humanities purpose. These are all fair and respectable ways to find purpose, but I offer up a certain way. Work is the fulfillment of goal through labor.
         Labor can bring a unique euphoria to the laborer, especially a job well done. For example, growing up, mowing the lawn was one of main chores. Initially, I thought it was a huge pain, but one day that all changed. I set a goal to make our lawn the most well kept, pristine lawn on the block. I worked like a dog for hours mowing, weed eating, trimming, blowing, sweeping, all these things I would never have considered before. Afterwards, I walked out to the the freshly trimmed curb and turned to look at the final product. The sense of pride I felt then I had never experienced before.
        Believe it or not, but as a young man, I can not just sit around and be lazy doing nothing. Even if it was an option its much too boring. I don't have too much life experience but what I do know is that urge to do something lasts an entire lifetime. Retirement is great and all but unless some health issue is stopping, why would you want to sit around all day and do nothing? My parents would never believe it but that would drive me nuts!
        What's the purpose of this post? It's to say that all age groups young and old seek a purpose in their life. Not a divine or scientific purpose, like why are we here, but rather when we look back on our life at the very end, can we say that we made a difference. Did I make my mark in the little time I was allotted? Work is the eyepiece in which purpose is found. So go out and take on the cliche frontier attitude that your going to take what you have and make it better, if not for your neighbors, for yourself.

Copyright 2012

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