Monday, August 13, 2012

Gun Control


The Timeless American Debate

          The movie was captivating, a play on our Post 9/11 fears on an epic scale. Afterwards, I dropped my girlfriend off to her house and drove home in the eeriness that permeates the air at 3:30 in the morning. I made it to my bed safely without second thought.
          Waking up the next day, I was so excited to tell everyone at work how awesome The Dark Knight Rises was. Before I could leave I was eating cereal and my mom asked if I had heard what happened the night before. I grabbed the remote and turned on the news and learned about the Aurora shooting. The eeriness of the night before made a rare reprisal at 8:15 in the morning. For a while, I had the "that could have been me" mentality that took a couple days to shake.
          This terrible happening once again brought guns to the forefront of political debate. Many people were fuming over the fact that you can by a drum magazine. Still, others said if only someone with a Conceal-Carry Licence could have been there and taken out the shooter. Both sides are valid but both views have glitches. If you outlaw drum magazines and assault weapons, criminals will buy them on the black market and law abiding citizens will be left with Red Rider pellet guns. On the other hand, those saying they could have stopped him are grossly overestimating their nerve. If you think your going to take out a madman blazing the theater with an assault rifle and gas spraying, all the while your girlfriend is screaming over the dead and wounded, your head needs to be checked or you need to register for SEAL's training.
          The thought of a madman being able to strike a public place at any time is scary, I would argue that the thought of not being able to defend yourselves is even scarier. We don't tell schoolchildren to change their beliefs because of a bully so why would we do so as a nation. Benjamin Franklin once said, "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." 

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