Sunday, August 12, 2012

Paul Ryan

And My First Post About Politics

         After taking and passing the AP Government Exam this past year, I will try to share what I learned this past year. On my first day, my teacher told all of us that we can throw what we think we know about politics out the window for this class because its probably wrong. Politics is just a game for show he said. Throughout the year I found this to be more and more true. In reality, most major political parties' differences are negligible at best. To think one party has all the answers is foolish. With this mindset I will begin with the Paul Ryan portion of this post.
         First off, hats off to Mitt Romney for making his first, and I hope not last, ballsy move of this Presidential Race. Picking Paul Ryan, in my estimation makes this a legitimate race. Ryan represents a differentiation for Romney from Obama which I believe was crucial for him to win. Before the VP pick, many hardcore Republicans were skeptical that Romney was conservative enough to effect the change they believe is necessary, the Paul Ryan tap changed all that. 
         From an emotionless, calculating, and cold hard numbers perspective, Ryan seems to be just what the doctor ordered. Medicare and Medicaid are unsustainable as is and should be reformed and he is willing to do it. Both Parties since the Clinton Administration have made Government seemingly searching for every possible way to make itself as unsustainable as possible. With the Bush Administration, the fiscally conservative republicans pulled off a tax break for the wealthiest Americans and started two decade long wars. Obama has ballooned it even more on stimulus spending. At least the Democrats aren't hypocrites about it.
         Not to get caught up in the old cliche of change, Paul Ryan seems like he truly wants conservative change. Whether or not its good or bad is up to you as a reader. One thing seems sure to me, however, Paul Ryan has brought swagger back to the GOP.

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