Wednesday, August 15, 2012

The Nature Of Change

 The Nature Of Change

         Tonight, I drove home from my girlfriend's house for the last time in a while. Change is inevitable, there is a reason for the the cliche "the only real certainty is change." However, I believe that's not the entire story. I believe things change cyclically, as sure as autumn and winter is, around the corner spring and summer will always follow.
         In a few days, I will leave my little bubble in Fairfield and Hamilton and move on to bigger things. Leaving behind the sense of security that comes from going to a Catholic School of 450 kids and knowing everybody, all my friends at school and work that I've seen every day. One gets the feeling of putting your life on pause. Change is inevitable.
         If there is one place that I know has seen change, it's Hamilton, Ohio. On my way home I decided to drive through downtown as my way of saying goodbye to my High School stomping grounds. Something about driving across that bridge and seeing the Veterans Memorial and the old courthouse just gives me the sense of being home. Looking through the dilapidated buildings and run down houses, I see the history and the grandeur of these old structures. The face of a city that's fallen on hard times. Hamilton has seen change.
        But just as spring inevitably comes after winter, no matter how long and cold, I believe Hamilton has bright days ahead of it. Because it has one thing. Charm. A type of charm that subdivisions and Costco's can never match.
        During my time in college, I plan on having a blast and trying new things (not drugs mom) and meeting new people. I'm going to get my degree and start a career and put my roots down. Unlike most people, I don't want that place to be some metropolis like Boston, Charlotte, or Atlanta. I don't want to raise a family in Dallas. I want to come back and change for the better where I've always felt home, back to my own little bubble.

Copyright 2012

Please Comment Below (Feel free I don't think it's creepy)


  1. Ben, you will do great at UD.Proud of you.

  2. Change is inevitable...totally stole this from my graduation speech :)

  3. Whats wrong with Boston?!?!? :) Totally know what you mean though. Definitely planning on moving back to my bubble some day as well.
