Thursday, August 9, 2012

First Post

Ben's Thoughts

This Blog's Purpose

              Being born near the turn of the millenia, I have grown up during a paradigm shift in our society. We have gone from thinking that Super Mario is awesome to being largely unimpressed with a full scale rendering of Manhattan in World War 3 setting (COD3). We've gained access to the world's knowledge through increased access to the internet, yet people are getting more ignorant. Problems that require unity to solve only cause paralyzing polarization that does nothing. People care more about the outcome of MNF or Dancing with the Stars than they do about the welfare of their neighbors struggling across the street. These are interesting times that we live in and in this blog I want to relay them through the eyes of an 18 year old just entering college. I wish to show that not all young people are uninformed and inform those who are.

1 comment:

  1. Ya know. If I had to pick any person I know to write a blog, it would be you! I'm thinking you should look into some type of journalism. I have loved reading all your topics so far and cannot wait to see what your freshmen year brings! Miss ya Ben aka AJ.
